High Definition Liposuction With J-PLASMA

High Definition Liposuction With J-PLASMA

Unlike many laser skin tightening procedures out there that typically heat up the tissue to 300 to 600 degrees Fahrenheit, the J-Plasma procedure heats up the tissue to only 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This not only reduces the risk of serious skin damage but also speeds up the healing and recovery time.

The J-Plasma by Renuvion Skin Tightening procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and only requires very small incisions to be made. The procedure uses a stream of Helium plasma energy that’s directed to the tissue subdermally, or right under the skin. The heat generated from this energy triggers collagen production deep within the tissue and creates a tightening effect that only improves over time. The result is a more youthful appearance and more taut, tight, and firmer skin in the treated areas.

To date, there is no laser, ultrasound device or radio frequency treatment out there that’s capable of firming and tightening the skin at the same level as J-Plasma by Renuvion. If you want to improve the tone and firmness of skin learn more about this innovative skin tightening solution.

Benefits of J-Plasma by Renuvion for skin tightening include:

  • Noticeable results after treatment, progressive results for months afterwards
  • Only one treatment required per problem area
  • Fast healing and recovery time
  • Tightens skin at a deeper level than other treatments
  • Very small incisions required
  • Can be performed with or without liposuction
  • Little to no risk of skin burning

Find out if you’re a candidate for this breakthrough facial rejuvenation procedure. Call us today for your J-Plasma Skin Tightening consultation.

Are You a Candidate?

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Before and After High Definition Liposuction With J-PLASMA

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  • Office Location

    201 E. Ogden, Suite 114, Hinsdale, IL 60521

  • Office Hours

    Monday: 9am - 5pm
    Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
    Wednesday: 8am - 5pm (office is closed for surgeries)
    Thursday: 9am - 5pm
    Friday: 8am - 5pm
    Saturday: 8am - 5pm (office is closed for surgeries)

  • Phone Number

American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Taek Kim
American Medical Association Taek Kim
International Society Cosmetogynecology Taek Kim
American Society for Laser Medicine Taek Kim
American Board of Obsetrics and Gynecology Taek Kim